Corporate Responsibility

A better world. For our children.

We looked at the impact we have on local communities and on the environment and we decided we could not ignore our responsibilities. Today’s choices will affect the lives of the future generations. That’s why we developed an extensive CSR program and we constantly launch new initiatives to leave a better world to our children.


We feel we have an obligation towards our community. That’s why we invest in its development, contributing to the education of children and to the improvement of the living conditions for all. We contribute to the Bangladesh Thalassemia Foundation to aid patients suffering from thalassemia in Bangladesh. We provide day care facilities for working parents offering free healthcare to all our employees. We founded a school to offer free schooling to the children of our communities.


The fashion industry consumes plenty of resources and the sustainability of the sector really depends on how wise our actions are. We believe that our role as apparel manufacturers has to go beyond traditional compliance. That’s why we ensure that our manufacturing processes are environmentally friendly and our products are organic. We put our best efforts in maximizing waste re-cycling, in minimizing the usage of non-biodegradable packing materials and in purifying and treating process water.